My Story
Movies hold an undeniable in our lives as they are the biggest source of entertainment for the particular generation. Even with the past generations, movies were of significant importance because of the fact that in a short span of 1-3 hours, you can have a grab of something completely different. Not talking about the typical Rom-Coms but especially those that were directed at a specific theme or had a particular idea in them – referred to as autobiographies or history or war or crime and so on and these are the kind of movies that will always end up differently than usual so there always is a great chance of some amazing inspiration or thoughts in the regards of the movie. This is the point where your simply entertainment is taken to a whole new level and where the movies and messages acquired from them will guide your lives and help you out in various scenarios.
Particular choosing the Gulf theme – rather war and drama, was the inspiration I got from Jarhead; this not only made me a real huge fan of Jake but also induced in me hell lot of interest to watch war categorized film. Not because this was a commercial success; but I believe that its success was solely due to the unreplaceable movie itself. And as of now, I am of the sort where I don’t miss a single movie of Jake even if it is not following in drama or thriller genre – I would only watch the movie if Jake is acting in it because all his movies speaks of the fact that he just don’t go and signs any movie; all his movies are not only exceptional but also have the ability to watch those again and again and then feel a lot better for all the things and areas of your own personal live. Even when it comes to something that is particularly a fiction, then too, the fiction will rather surprise you to unimaginable heights.
Referring to this particular site and the type of information my readers can find here is divided into two categories – one is the typical area where I will be mentioning most of the war, drama thrillers and other one will be those that have Jake as the casted actor in them. I won’t be just going and mention every movie that are falling in these categories but I will rather analyze all the movies first before putting them up in the site and will also add a synopsis for each mention so that the readers are able to decide up the things for themselves as easy as possible. Apart from the synopsis, I will also share the reviews, ratings and feedback to makes things a lot easier for my readers. In other words, I will be covering the drama – thriller – war genre on a broader perspective with a wave of Jake’s movies. So, if you are a fan of such movies, you are really going to like it here and for this, you will have to stay as updated as possible.

Movies hold an undeniable in our lives as they are the biggest source of entertainment for the particular generation. Even with the past generations, movies were of significant importance because of the fact that in a short span of 1-3 hours, you can have a grab of something completely different.
Categories: Others